Company Profile: North Himalayan Adventure


North Himalayan Adventure is a pioneering adventure and travel company founded by Bhag Chand, a dynamic individual born on March 14, 1977, in Manali, Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, India.

His journey from humble beginnings to establishing a successful adventure business is a testament to his unwavering passion for tourism and his dedication to providing memorable experiences.

Founding Vision:

Bhag Chand's journey began with his first tourism guide course in 1999, under the guidance of Retired Colonel Prem. This experience ignited his enthusiasm for the tourism sector, especially during the nascent years of tourism in Manali and Kullu.

Accumulated Knowledge:

With an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Bhag Chand pursued numerous adventure courses over time, amassing a remarkable collection of certificates in adventure tourism.

His commitment to learning reached new heights during the winter of 2003 when he served as a volunteer visiting instructor at Marhi/Rohtang Pass, facing challenges head-on.

Professional Growth:

On January 20, 2004, Bhag Chand joined an Adventure Company as a field executive, driven by boundless energy and an appetite for learning.

Despite financial constraints, he established his own travel company in 2007 while continuing to work for the Adventure Company until October 2010, further enriching his experience.

Venturing into Entrepreneurship:

Driven by a desire to create a unique mark in the industry, Bhag Chand transitioned to freelancing, guiding mountain expeditions, and organizing adventure activities in Manali.

In January 2012, he took a bold step by establishing North Himalayan Adventure, headquartered in Rangri, Manali. This marked the beginning of a new chapter in his career.

Diverse Offerings:

Under Bhag Chand's leadership, North Himalayan Adventure became a hub for adventure seekers. The company organized various treks in the Himalayan ranges. In March 2016, the company leased and operated a campsite for three years, further diversifying its portfolio.

Holistic Approach:

In 2017, the company embraced the concept of homestays, enriching its connection with travelers and emphasizing the importance of authentic hospitality.

Bhag Chand's extensive experience and relentless effort transformed every aspect of tourism hospitality, contributing to the growth of the business and enriching the lives of those involved.

Personal Triumph:

In 2020, Bhag Chand's journey reached a pinnacle as he realized his dream of constructing a traditional architectural masterpiece on his farm field. The house stands as a testament to his dedication, knowledge, and self-supervised efforts, filling him with pride and happiness.

Conclusion and Outreach:

The story of North Himalayan Adventure is an embodiment of Bhag Chand's philosophy: life should be great, rather than long. His journey exemplifies the resilience, passion, and spirit of an individual dedicated to carving a path of success through challenges.

In a world of ups and downs, Bhag Chand's journey stands as a testament to the power of learning, hard work, and the pursuit of a fulfilling life.

Bhag Chand

"Life should be great, rather than long."

Special Projects

Embark on extraordinary journeys with North Himalayan Adventure special projects.
Himalayan Weather
Gateway to Himalayas
Perfect Himalayan Vacation